Members might be wondering what the Little Theatre plans to do about the Annual General Meeting, due in April. Faced with the choice of holding the AGM online, or postponing and meeting up in person later on, we have decided to go for the latter option. This means the AGM will be deferred till summer, by which time the vaccination programme should (hopefully) enable some return to normal social life. We will let you know the details nearer the time.
If you would like to attend the AGM, show your support for the theatre, and ensure you are kept abreast of theatre developments, you might like to become a member. Current annual fees are £15 full, £10 concessions (over 60, in full-time education, or disabled).
To join, email our membership secretary, Gilly Walker, at
A lot of members have paid their subs for 2021 with little prospect of getting anything for it. Gilly has written to everyone individually, thanking them for their support in these unusual times. We would like to thank all of you, once again, for continuing to support our theatre.
I think this is the right decision. We are suffering from over use of Zoom etc, and it would be wonderful to look forward to an in person AGM.