For their help in forming the digital archive, we would like to thank Pennine Horizons, and the following individuals:
Almond, Janet
Alzamora, Anita
Bean, Andy
Berry, Chris
Brown, Ann
Brown, Wilfred
Butterworth, Frank
Collins, Ed and Yvonne
Crossley, Jim and Jennifer
Cutts, Bruce
Dudding, Siobhan
Duffy, Arlene
Feather, Marian
Foote, Douglas
Fox, Mel
Gill, Maurice
Gore, Jenny
Greenwood, Jordangelo
Greenwood, Lloyd
Hartley, Josie
Helliwell, Raymond and John
Hollings, Peter and Robin
Hought, Stuart
Kilbey, Ann
Leach, Norman
Leslie, Vaughan
Lomas, Anne
Lomas, Maywynne
Mertens, Wendy
Morris, Sue
Pasek, Catherine
Peel, Michael
Riches, Ray and Sue
Roberts, Vaughan
Round, Charlie
Shackleton, Len
Shaw, Jean
Short, Audrey
Stow, Hannah
Sutcliffe, Dorothy
Sutcliffe (née Thomas), Justine
Thomas, John
Vaughan, Phil
Walker, K.M.
Woods, Olive and Elsie
Woolrych, Frank