Hebden Bridge Little Theatre’s second Festival of New Drama, was staged in July 2022. The Festival should have gone ahead in 2020, but had to be postponed twice due to Covid. The Festival marked the culmination of the Play Write! 2020 new play writing competition. From an entry of more than eighty, half-hour plays, the following were chosen to receive their world premières at the Little Theatre:
Lightning Once by Martin Pursey, directed by Jenny Gore
Angle of Drift by Jonathan Skinner, directed by Sharon Kelly
Terminal 1 by Dave Payne, directed by Vaughan Leslie
Happiness is a Journey by John Hill, directed by Katrina Heath
The Judges’ Prize, and the trophy, for the overall winner of Play Write! 2020, went to Jonathan Skinner, for his comedy, Angle of Drift.
Rehearsal photographs © Vaughan Roberts.
Terminal 1 images, from a video by Nigel Town.
Angle of Drift, writer, director and cast: Jonathan Skinner, Sharon Kelly, Michael Griffiths, Kyra Marie (photo by Maurice Claypole).
So very glad this happened as Shelia ( cousin) and I ( among others)were involved in the early stages of play selection.. reading a number of plays and passing our scores and comments on to Vaughn. Unfortuatley, other committments related to the recent death of a choir member meant I couldn’t attend any of the nights’ perfromances- so sorry about that ! However, I’ve read about the results of the competition and spoken to people who did attend and who told me what a great event it was.
I do hope this kind of Festival does happen again in the future. Can I suggest that there could also be category for new writers, ie, people who have never had any play performed ?
Best wishes