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Audition notice

Accidental Death of an Anarchist will be holding auditions on Sunday the 12th of January, from 6pm to 9pm at the Little Theatre.

Auditions will be a selection of scenes from the updated version of the play and through some warm-up games and interactivities.

Cast as follows:

The Maniac – Male/Female – 20+ and someone up for a large, central role requiring energy, timing and physicality
Superintendent – Male – 30/40+
Detective Daisy – Male/Female – 20+
Inspector Burton – Male – 30+
Agent Joseph – Male/Female – 20+
Fi Phelan – Female – 20+
PC Jackson – Female – 20+

If you have any questions, intend to audition or would like to know more, then get in touch through davidhowes1977@hotmail.com and I’ll email you audition materials anon.

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