Job Description:

• Discuss costume plot and design ideas with Director
• Read play script to establish historical era & general period feel, and
passage of time covered by the play
• Choose costumes that combine elements of colour and fabric to provide
visual clues and understanding of characters in terms of age, social status,
occupation and era
• Meet and measure the cast at an early stage of rehearsals
• Source required costumes by appropriate means e.g. from Wardrobe
stock, by purchasing on line, on the High St or from charity shops etc, or
borrowing from hire companies, or casts own
• Organise fittings (usually at rehearsals) and alterations
• Attend technical and dress rehearsals to review look of costumes and
confirm that cast and director are happy. Supervise any adjustments
• Co-ordinate laundering, dry cleaning, care and storage of costumes &
accessories in HBLT Wardrobe

Our retiring ‘Costumes’ lady is very willing to help and advise someone in this
role and is happy to do some alterations and sewing if needed. Other members
of the theatre are also willing to help and become part of a team.

If you feel you would enjoy this role and would like more information please
contact Gilly Walker (